About Us
OUR Vision
We liked the idea of having a home in which the majority of functions like safety, energy efficiency and comfort could all be centrally controlled. After all, this was at a time where cars could already parallel park themselves and robotic lawnmowers could take care of the gardening. So why were homes so far behind?
If you want intelligent and convenient automation in your own homes/meeting rooms/retail premises, We have scoured the market for products that would meet your project needs and find products that would be practical, uncomplicated and inexpensive to build and use.
Working directly with end users and with a broad range of trade professionals, specifiers and consultants on their projects and for their clients as well, we help design and specify systems from the ground up as the options are now greater than ever before and early infrastructure design and simplicity of operation is paramount to achieving project success. Audio visual design/integration has never been better.
Some of the services we offer